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NSE LX7-Z6730

Zhaoxin opens first KX-6000 series processors, provides 3*PCIe x8, can be used with daughter cards to expand a rich network interface combination

Based on the domestic Zhaoxin Kaixian KX-6000 series processor, the highest 8-core 3.0GHz

Support DDR4, 4*U-DIMM, maximum 64GB memory

Support Windows, domestic and general Linux operating systems

Provide 3*PCIe x8, which can be used with daughter cards to expand a rich network interface combination

238*195mm, ATX power supply

driveSoftware InformationProduct Documentation
Select system bits
  • ALL
  • Windows 10 64bit
  • Windows 8/10 64bit
  • Windows 8/10 32bit
  • Windows 7 64bit
  • Windows 7 32bit
  • Windows XP 64bit
  • Windows XP 32bit
  • Linux
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